230-630pmish (25-27 hrs) M-Fri plus 3-7 hours on weekends. Mon: 2:30-6:30 Tue: 2:00-7:00 (if they're willing to do laundry while Noella naps) Wed: 2:30-6:30 Thu: 2:30-5:30 or 6:30 Fri: 2:30-6:30 And then either Sat or Sun: 3-7. Looking for at least a year commitment $23-27 And can also give more hours on the weekend (Sat or Sun) if they're willing to work weekends and or want extra hours. Littleton next to Columbine Country Club (members there - this person would also take the girls to tennis/golf lessons and the pool in the summer) . car is required to drive girls to activities. My girls are 4. 5 and 2. 5. The 4YO goes to school everyday till 3pm, and my youngest goes to school just in the mornings, but naps from 12:30-3/3:30. If the candidate is willing to do 20 hours (excluding extra hours we could give her on the weekend) then I think the best schedule would be 2:30-6:30, but if she needs 25 then I'd say 1:30-6:30 but that would mean she'd have to do housework while N is napping. We are looking for an experienced nanny who can easily handle 2 kids and one who is good with our kids ages. Also need someone whose energetic, likes to take them out and about to activities post school/nap, someone who is fun loving and nurturing towards our girls and who also has a go with the flow attitude when it comes to parents expectations. This person also needs to be able to cook and be fine with giving them a bath everyday. And finally someone who is responsible, mature, and knows how to manage tantrums, work on listening, etc. We also want someone who is loyal, who will blend well with our family and is ok with doing occasional overnights if parents want to travel (not a deal breaker but thought I'd add that in as we don't have family in CO)