this Job is to help the grandparents watch two kids. Grandparents (Chinese) speak very little English but the kids do speak english well. we have a 3. 5 yo boy and a 1 . 5 yo boy. 3-year-old like to play cars, puzzles, books, imaginary play, hid and go seek, and can be quite hyper at times. The 1-year-old is learning to talk, so the more words/ animal sounds/books you can say /read to him the better! please stay on the main floor /play area for the most part and try to avoid basement. if weather is good, we do have a large yard to play; avoid screens; Grandparents are also old fashioned so minimal tatoo/piercing. hours are flexible, mainly 5-6 afternoons every other week as I work for a week then off for a week, but can add more hrs if it's a good fit! Thank you !!
2 Children aged 1 - 3 years
Light Housekeeping
Comfortable With Pets