We are looking for a part-time nanny to come 10-15 hours per week to watch our three kiddos (6 and under) We are looking for someone who has a broad skill set, where they can be working on basic reading skills one moment and participating in a lightsaber battle the next. We need someone with a lot of energy and creativity! We are home schooling and would like this person to partner with us in this. We have curriculum we follow and usually try to work through about 30 minutes of lesson/day. The rest of our time is spent on play! Finally, we would love if this individual can help with some light house cleaning, laundry, and meal prep for the kids to help keep our chaos organized! Please reach out if this sounds like you!
1 Child aged 4 - 5 years, 2 Children aged 6 - 11 years
Homework Help
Light Housekeeping
Meal Preparation