Hello, We are looking for a caregiver that can sit with our son while he is doing his school work and attending classes. You would be his coach. The duties would be: Live classes/: sit next to him as he watches his teacher on Screen, 2. Make sure he is listening and following along with instructions, 3. Assist him with drawing and following instruction. 4. Assist him with his computer turning his mic on and off when answering teachers questions, 5. Making sure he has his materials ready before each class. Video Classes: you will basically do the same thing while the teacher is instructing him and then help him with gathering his materials and books required for class. So, we live in a RV park and we have a converted shed that is set up like a school room if you prefer. We are paying $20. an hour, 5 hours per day for 3 days a week.
1 Child aged 4 - 5 years