Looking for part time mother's helpers/babysitters. We have two young children. One is 3 and one is 1. 5. They both go to day care during the day. with both parents working full time jobs. We need some help so as to take some breaks. Task (depends on the hours/days) will include: - [ ] Preparing kids meal before they come home - [ ] Changing diapers, bathe - [ ] Tidy up kids stuff after they sleep. - [ ] help with kitchen clean up - [ ] Babysitting while parents can get ready to go to work or so parents can cook/taking showers etc Weekdays 5-8 p.m. (need 2-3 hrs a day) Bonus to cover some hours over the weekend Some parts of the weekend We are not looking for one person to cover all of it. We are looking for ppl to cover some of these time slots and do it weekly.
2 Children aged 1 - 3 years
Light Housekeeping
Meal Preparation