Dual Working Parents are Seeking Knowledgable and Kind Part-Time Nanny for the 1-Year-Old Son! Both Mom + Dad work remotely from home and they need a…
Dual Working Parents are Seeking Knowledgable and Kind Part-Time Nanny for the 1-Year-Old Son! Both Mom + Dad work remotely from home and they need a skilled nanny to watch after their son during their work day. Your primary focus will be keeping their son engaged and providing a safe and stimulating environment to encourage his growth and development! Your additional duties will involve helping with his laundry, ensuring his room/play areas stay neat + tidy, preparing his snacks/meals, cleaning up after the messes you make, etc
LOCATION: Westwood, CA (Greater Los Angeles Area)
SCHEDULE: Monday-Friday 11AM-5 p.m. (30 hours/wk)
COMPENSATION: $35/hr Gross
Recent Experience with Infants/Toddlers with a Strong Working Knowledge of How to Support Him in Hitting His Developmental Milestones
Up to Date on Primary Vaccines (including TDAP) - no requirements for covid/flu
Prior Experience working with kids who have food allergies is GREAT but not required
Bilingual (English/German) is a BONUS but again, not required
Their son has food allergies (and has an Epipen for emergency use), he is allergic to wheat , egg, sesame, banana, pistachio, brazil nut, cashew, hazelnut and milk (they think that he might be outgrowing some of these)- if you have experience with Epipens that is great, otherwise they will ensure you have the training you need!
Their DREAM nanny is patient, knowledgable about milestones, will sit down and read with their son and will come up with fun and age appropriate activities and crafts to do during the day!
They've been having family support and are looking forward to transitioning to working with a professional nanny. They are very excited to interview and hope to have their nanny start in the next few weeks! This position is offered through Westside Nannies. Apply here: https://westsidenannies.typeform.com/to/q4R3z3? utm_source=care&utm_medium=referral