We are looking for a great nanny for our 6-month-old in Kentfield. Specifically looking for a part time mothers helper/ flexible nanny. I work from home full time and my husband does part time so our little boy needs someone who will love on him like us during those times. Average hours would be about 12-15 per week spread over 3 days with an occasional date night added in. Ideally you would have an interest in helping him grow and learn new skills as he reaches his milestones. Normal nanny duties include: Walks, outside time, feeding, reading, creative play, play dates etc. You would also help with some light housekeeping and basic meal prepping would be ideal. Our little guy is very active, alert and curious. We have no pets (for the moment) and someone who is non smoking, vaccinated, has their own car, and CPR certified is required.
1 Child aged 0 - 11 months
Light Housekeeping
Has Own Transportation