Looking for a part-time babysitter for 1 toddler. We would prefer a nanny who has their own car, who is CPR certified, and has experience with special needs care or is willing to learn. No cooking necessary. Tasks include: 1) Feeding toddler 2) Entertaining toddler with toys and activities 3) Encouraging toddler to do simple exercises recommended by PT 5) Encouraging toddler to speak/sign 6) Taking care of toddler's laundry 7) Light cleanup/organizing 8) Taking toddler on light walks outside 9) Keep toddler clean (washing hands, wiping down shoes, changing diapers). Residence is in the hills with stairs (but not bad). Parking is ample, welcome to park in driveway. Close to Elmwood.
1 Child aged 1 - 3 years
Has Own Transportation