Travel To/From Appointments For Disabled

York, PA

$10 - 15/hr Full time

Starts September 9

Transportation Required
Join to apply

About the job

I am disabled, I am looking for someone to drive me to and from doctor appointments. Appointments are going to vary on dates and times. I would also like to schedule physical therapy. 2-3 Times a week. Again date and times will vary. I need someone who will be able to assist me and my wheelchair in and out of the car. I weigh 150 And my wheelchair is light and weighs 5-8 (?). I am okay to stand up and sit in the car, but I need someone to hold on. Because I have balance issues. This would be ideal for someone who cleans for someone and can leave for an hour to take me and then go back to work. Also, if someone has experience with Physical Therapy and can come to my house that can also be discussed. Thanks!! Kathy

Additional details

Job details
Services Needed: General Errands


Transportation Required

Job schedule

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
6-9  am
9-12  am
12-3  pm
3-6  pm
6-9  pm
9-12  pm
12-6  am