I need someone ~3x a week for 2-4 hours/day. I am a 50-year-old disabled man living in Portland, OR. I need help running errands, typing, filing, and…
I need someone ~3x a week for 2-4 hours/day. I am a 50-year-old disabled man living in Portland, OR. I need help running errands, typing, filing, and housework.
My main disability is joint pain, which limits my ability to perform many normal tasks. The most badly affected body parts are my wrists (which makes it hard to type and file), my back (which makes sitting extremely uncomfortable), and my throat (which limits my ability to talk).
Frustratingly, as a result of dealing with this pain for so long, I have developed some severe anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder. This means I need an assistant who can be patient. My schedule is very flexible, so we could work around your schedule. This would be a long-term, part-time time position. Interested? If so, message me with a brief description of your experience.