I'm looking for someone to help out my mother. She is 83 and is living alone. She admits now that she needs a TINY bit of help. She can no longer drive, so she will need a ride to her doctor's appt, to pick up meds and to get her lottery tickets. We have her food delivered/ . She also needs someone to change her linens. The one other thing.... its kinda weird, but Mom would like someone to be here, when she takes a shower. She doesn't need help but she is scared of falling and wants someone here. (She has a Medic Alert necklace but this is her request) She only would like someone for like maybe 4 hours a week..... 2 hours, twice a week. Her errands are quick and one day will be for the shower. I'm new to care. com so I'm not sure if this is possible or if there is a minimum hours for personal assistance