How to pay nanny taxes yourself: Guide for parents and families
If you pay your nanny or caregiver more than $2,800 in a calendar year, you need to learn about your...
If you pay your nanny or caregiver more than $2,800 in a calendar year, you need to learn about your...
Learn about the nanny tax and how the IRS requires families to manage payroll and tax withholdings for their household...
Hiring a live-in senior caregiver is different than hiring live-out care. Learn what the differences are and what families should...
Learn how hiring a senior caregiver privately can cost less than hiring through an agency. HomePay shows you the costs...
Learn how the medical care expense deduction can save money for families with long-term, in-home senior care needs.
Families with senior care needs can turn to long-term care insurance policies to help make consumer directed care more affordable....
Families that misclassify their household employee as an independent contractor can run into tax problems if their caregiver is hurt...
Private employment for senior care is becoming a popular option for families as the costs for using a traditional agency...
Workers' compensation is a unique part of the household employment hiring checklist. Not having coverage can have a dramatic impact...
Care HomePay is the leading nanny tax and payroll service for busy families. Call us at 888-273-3356 to learn more...