HomePay for nanny agencies

HomePay for nanny agencies

We’re proud to partner with nanny placement agencies, serving as an extension of their team by providing tax, payroll and HR expertise to their clientele. Provided by Breedlove & Associates since 1992, Care.com HomePay is the nation’s leading specialist in the complex world of household employment.  

About Care.com HomePay

From paydays to tax time and all points in between, our comprehensive service eliminates all the work and worry for busy families. Specifically, we:

  • Establish tax IDs and file New Hire Reports.
  • Manage payroll calculations, prepare paystubs, and process Direct Deposit payroll each payday.
  • Prepare and file state and federal employment tax returns.
  • Prepare and distribute Form W-2.
  • Prepare and file Form W-2 Copy A/Form W-3 each January.
  • Prepare Schedule H to be filed with Form 1040.
  • Monitor changes in tax and labor law.
  • Manage notices/alerts from tax agencies.

All payroll and tax documents are archived online for easy access by clients and/or their authorized contacts. Perhaps most importantly, we have a team of consultants available to answer questions and help families properly handle employment-related issues. Clients have unlimited access to our expert team to make sure the entire employment relationship runs smoothly.

Partnership Benefits

We partner with more than 200 nanny placement agencies across the U.S. with the goal of adding value to their placement process by making sure that their clients get the support and expertise they need – without the agency having to become “nanny tax” experts or dispense legal advice. Our complimentary partnership program also includes:

  • Access to our library of educational materials to assist your clients.
  • Calculators (Employer Budgeting, Employee Paycheck & Overtime).
  • A co-branded online experience for your clients.
  • $300 referral fee for families that use our service.

Call 888-273-3356 or contact us to learn more about our Nanny Agency Partnership Program.

Sign up for our E-Newsletter

Receive periodic updates including:

  • Breaking news, such as upcoming changes in legislation that affect your agency or your clients.
  • Case studies from our clients and other partners about interesting questions or challenging situations related to household employment compliance.
Tom Breedlove

Tom has been a member of the HomePay team for the last 15 years. He has worn many hats during his time with us, but currently works with thousands of staffing professionals, care managers, accountants, trustees, financial advisors and attorneys that have clients needing household employment support.

Co-author of The Household Employer’s Financial, Legal & HR Guide, Tom leads all education and outreach efforts on this complex topic. His work has helped HomePay become the featured expert on dozens of TV and radio shows, as well as countless business, consumer and trade publications. He also has conducted CPE lectures for more than a dozen professional organizations, including AICPA, NAEPC, AADMM, CPAacademy and Alliance of Comprehensive Planners.

Tom holds a BBA in finance with a minor in accounting from the University of Texas. Throughout his career, he’s been an active volunteer and speaker in the financial, marketing and care industries. If you’re ever at a conference where household employment is on the schedule, chances are, you’ll see Tom at the event.