Martina N.
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A propos de Martina
24 ans
My name is Martina, I’m 24 years old and I’m from Argentina. I dont have previous experience as an aupair, but i would love to gain it. I'm graduated in medicine in the “University of Buenos Aires”.
During my free time, I practice field hockey in the “club ciudad de Buenos Aires” and coach the small ones, I really enjoy teaching, thats why im also an umpire, I think it is a way of teaching values to the small ones ( and i also referee first divition matches because i know how to be respected without being autorital.
Also, I love to be in contact with the nature, so I really enjoy spending time with Animals, playing sports, Etc.
Im a really cheerful, patient and responsible person.
A l'aise avec les animaux
pré-ados / ados (plus de 12 ans)
jeunes enfants (4 à 6 ans)
A de l'expérience avec les jumeaux ou enfants de naissances multiples
Mettre les enfants au lit
Cuisine / Préparation de repas
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Réanimation Cardio-Pulmonaire
Formation aux premiers secours