Katri M.
À partir de null€
A propos de Katri
24 ans
I am 24 years old Katri from Finland and I have a basic degree in social and health care.
I am currently working as a teaching assistant in a special class in elementary school. I have worked as a teaching assistant for 5 years.
In addition to my regular job, I have done many different jobs, e.g. Childcare.
I have worked with 0-13 year olds.
Experience has been gained from working with children with special needs.
As an au pair, I would be able to provide childcare, study support, housekeeping and cooking.
I have received a lot of compliments while working with children, both from children and parents.
In the work environment, I am reliable and approachable, as well as a warm personable person.
Creativity is important to me and I like crafting, implementing creative learning methods and supporting children to express themselves and bring out their own strengths.
The number of children is not so important to me. I am used to working in a group with 10 special need students and I am familiar with group management. I'm not afraid of sudden situations.
My language skills are Finnish, moderately good level English I would like to learn to speak even better and the basics of Spanish.
A l'aise avec les animaux
nouveaux nés (jusqu'à 12 mois)
pré-ados / ados (plus de 12 ans)
jeunes enfants (4 à 6 ans)
A de l'expérience avec les jumeaux ou enfants de naissances multiples
Expérience en soins infirmiers
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Mettre les enfants au lit
Cuisine / Préparation de repas
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Expériences avec des personnes handicapées
Formation aux premiers secours
Éducateur de Jeunes Enfants
Formation professionnelle