Kathryn V.
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A propos de Kathryn
55 ans
I am ready to something new! To leave the US for adventures….out there. With my children grown, a career in education, and a serious love for travel, caring for a family abroad is the perfect fit. In the world today, all we really want to do is to keep our little ones safe. Finding a Gigi to borrow, who will shower the kids with love, gently firm, and give them her undivided attention can be tough. But, here I am!
It is true, I have been seen playing in the rain. I have also been known to build blanket forts and sandcastles. And, while I do not normally admit this, but I have legitimately lost a game of checkers to a 6 year old. So, it is entirely possible that all of these events could happen again. That said, if I can help a family and learn their culture, then I can think of nothing better. My ideal situation would be in Germany. This location would allow me to learn more about my families history and learn German. In short, supporting your parenting goals, helping your children grow with patience and love, as well as giving your family extra pair of hands while discovering the world, could be a little piece of heaven. Thank you so much for visiting.
NOTE: Not from the UK, from the USA
A l'aise avec les animaux
nouveaux nés (jusqu'à 12 mois)
pré-ados / ados (plus de 12 ans)
jeunes enfants (4 à 6 ans)
A de l'expérience avec les jumeaux ou enfants de naissances multiples
Expérience en soins infirmiers
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Mettre les enfants au lit
Cuisine / Préparation de repas
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Réanimation Cardio-Pulmonaire
Expériences avec des personnes handicapées
Formation aux premiers secours
Éducateur de Jeunes Enfants