Alexia C.
M5S Old Toronto, Ontario
À partir de $14
À partir de $14
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A propos de Alexia
21 ans
Hello my name is Alexia, I'm an exchange student from France currently studying political science and law at UofT.
For the past two years, I've been volunteering with an association called Scoubidoo, which offers homework help to children (6-16 years old) in difficulty (a class of 10 students). Don't hesitate if your children need help!
I love reading stories or playing with children. When I was looking after my niece, we used to have puzzle competitions (it’s funnier than you think!)
Possède une expérience dans la garde de
jeunes enfants (4 à 6 ans)
nouveaux nés (jusqu'à 12 mois)
pré-ados / ados (plus de 12 ans)
Peut garder jusqu'à 3 enfants
Cuisine / Préparation des repas
Mettre les enfants au lit