Shirley Sonia Tabe A.
Vaasa Pohjanmaa, 65100
Alkaen 10 €
Tietoja käyttäjästä Shirley Sonia Tabe
28 vuotta vanha
Puhuu kieliä
I am an ambitious, focused, dynamic, patriotic, honest and hardworking; a person of keen judgment with a record of integrity and dependability, poised to leverage education and experience toward launching a successful career in the field of education. I am equally outspoken with good communication and strong interpersonal skills and always ready to learn and explore new ideas. Adaptable professional with 2years of experience and knowledge of classroom management.
Tarjoamani palvelut
Tarkoitus ja ensisijainen ympäristö
Tutkinnot ja pätevyydet
suorittanut alemman korkeakoulututkinnon