Maria D.
Oulu Pohjois-Pohjanmaa, 90500
Alkaen 20 €
Tietoja käyttäjästä Maria
34 vuotta vanha
Puhuu kieliä
I am a masters student at University of Oulu. I have been teaching / babysitting 3-12 year old kids for the past 6 years. Psychologist attuned to the well-being of every person I come in contact with, especially my students. I believe in creating pedagogical spaces that are focused on facilitating the learning process of children through arts and culture, creativity and innovation. I base all of my relationships, both personal and professional, on the idea that respect is key for good and healthy interpersonal interactions. I am able to work successfully with others in a positive and effective way, taking up new challenges with a positive attitude. Skills and experience teaching English, Spanish and art to children and adults.
As soon as you meet me you’ll know that all this previous words are real, I am real soul heart and courage.
tulee toimeen lemmikkien kanssa
Tarjoamani palvelut
Tarkoitus ja ensisijainen ympäristö
Tutkinnot ja pätevyydet
suorittanut alemman korkeakoulututkinnon