Mohadeseh H.
Kuopio Pohjois-Savo, 70150
Alkaen 10 €
Tietoja käyttäjästä Mohadeseh
30 vuotta vanha
Puhuu kieliä
I am 25 and I already have a bachelor degree in Psychology. I've always been interested in child so I worked as a assistant in Autism center. I was good with children and I gained a lot of important experience there. I learned about game therapy there as well. I was in charge with all children stuff like feeding ,entertaining , dressing up and so on. I like pets and I can take care of them also as I have had before.
tulee toimeen lemmikkien kanssa
Alle kouluikäisistä (4-6v.)
Alakouluikäisistä (7-11v.)
Aiempaa kokemusta kaksosista
Tarjoamani palvelut
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Kouluun vienti / koulusta nouto
Tutkinnot ja pätevyydet
suorittanut alemman korkeakoulututkinnon