Camp - Pre-Algebra Math

Mon (7/29) 6:30–8:30am PDT (2 hrs)
Tue (7/30) 6:30–8:30am PDT (2 hrs)
Wed (7/31) 6:30–8:30am PDT (2 hrs)
Thu (8/1) 6:30–8:30am PDT (2 hrs)
Fri (8/2) 6:30–8:30am PDT (2 hrs)
11–14 yrs old
Optional: adults can stay or take a breather

Topic 1
Expressions and properties
1 Write variable expressions: one operation
2 Write variable expressions: two or three operations
3 Write variable expressions: word problems
4 Evaluate linear expressions
5 Evaluate multi-variable expressions
6 Evaluate absolute value expressions

Topic 2
One-variable equations
1 Which x satisfies an equation?
2 Write an equation from words
3 Solve one-step equations
4 Solve two-step equations
5 Solve equations: word problems
6 Solve equations involving like terms

Topic 3
One-variable inequalities
1 Solutions to inequalities
2 Graph inequalities on number lines
3 Write inequalities from number lines
4 Solve one-step inequalities
5 Graph solutions to one-step inequalities
6 One-step inequalities: word problems
7 Solve two-step inequalities

Topic 4
Two-variable equations
1 Does (x, y) satisfy the equation?
2 Identify independent and dependent variables
3 Find a value using two-variable equations
4 Solve word problems involving two-variable equations
5 Complete a table for a two-variable relationship
6 Write a two-variable equation

Connect in class 5 minutes before the class starts

STEM, coding, language, and Online coding for kids
This series already took place