Sports Camps in Tracy, CA

Hi-Five PE @ Global Village Montessori
by Hi-Five Sports Club Tri Valley
Tracy, CA
Did you know organized physical activity in kids leads not only to improved physical health but also enhanced cognitive abilities and the cultivation of key social skills and character traits like sharing, empathy, concentration, determination, commitment, and motivation. Our non-competitive group classes provide a safe and enjoyable atmosphere where kids can develop confidence and teamwork while improving their motor skills through playful physical activity. The Hi-Five team of experts developed our very own Physical Education program that incorporates team sports activities, schoolyard games, and age-appropriate motor skill development. • Aerobic exercise- Aerobic exercise improves school performance and makes kids less likely to develop depression. Kids who exercise regularly are also better able to handle physical and emotional challenges. Jumping jacks, pogo hops, agility and relay races. • Muscle & bone-strengthening activities- Pogo hops, frog hops, modified push-ups. • Team sport skill development and games- Basketball, t-ball, cricket, soccer, football are introduced on an introductory level. Each week, a new sport is introduced. • Schoolyard games and contests- sharks and minnows, Mr. Wolf, red light green light, and more!
Ages 2-6 years
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