Sports Camps in Frisco, TX
sibling discount
Frisco: PE 102 Friday Spring 25
by Bowmen Sports
Frisco, TX
PE 102 is a 90-minute class that allows students to explore multiple sports in a fun, learning environment. This program is designed for students to be ACTIVE while learning about athletics and team sports. Each class begins with a dynamic warm-up and stretch. Next, we rotate through agility stations and drills. Units of study include sport-specific drills and games, including rules of the game, strategy, and the fundamentals required to play. We also enjoy fun classic games like kickball, dodgeball, whiffleball, wallball, and capture the flag. We are unable to offer refunds once classes have started.
Ages 10-16 years
Breakthrough Basketball Training Academy
by Breakthrough Basketball
Frisco, TX
Take Your Skills and Confidence To the Next Level... With Elite Coaching From the Best Basketball Trainers! The Breakthrough Training Academy is the best training environment for long term development and better game play! It is a continuous skill development program that occurs each week throughout the year. This is perfect for players who want to maximize their potential and develop a passion for the game of basketball. You will be taught how to... Become an elite shooter Blow by the defense with highly effective dribble moves Score from the perimeter and the post with a variety of moves How to beat and score against aggressive defensive pressure Actually transfer your improved skills into game situations with carefully selected 1v1, 2v2, and 3v3 drills Additionally, you develop Unbreakable confidence A love for the game because you get better Mental toughness and resilience And much more It doesn't matter if you're looking to: Make the All-State team Earn a college scholarship Get more playing time Or simply make the team The Breakthrough Training Academy will improve your skills, so you can accomplish your goals.
Ages 9-13 years
Breakthrough Basketball Training Academy
by Breakthrough Basketball
Frisco, TX
Take Your Skills and Confidence To the Next Level... With Elite Coaching From the Best Basketball Trainers! The Breakthrough Training Academy is the best training environment for long term development and better game play! It is a continuous skill development program that occurs each week throughout the year. This is perfect for players who want to maximize their potential and develop a passion for the game of basketball. You will be taught how to... Become an elite shooter Blow by the defense with highly effective dribble moves Score from the perimeter and the post with a variety of moves How to beat and score against aggressive defensive pressure Actually transfer your improved skills into game situations with carefully selected 1v1, 2v2, and 3v3 drills Additionally, you develop Unbreakable confidence A love for the game because you get better Mental toughness and resilience And much more It doesn't matter if you're looking to: Make the All-State team Earn a college scholarship Get more playing time Or simply make the team The Breakthrough Training Academy will improve your skills, so you can accomplish your goals.
Ages 9-13 years
sibling discount
Frisco: PE 101 Friday Spring 25
by Bowmen Sports
Frisco, TX
PE 101 is a 90-minute class that allows students to explore multiple sports in a fun, learning environment. This program is designed for students to be ACTIVE while learning about athletics and team sports. Each class begins with a dynamic warm-up and stretch. Next, we rotate through agility stations and drills. Units of study include sport-specific drills and games, including rules of the game, strategy, and the fundamentals required to play. We also enjoy fun classic games like kickball, dodgeball, whiffleball, wallball, and capture the flag. We are unable to offer refunds once classes have started.
Ages 5-11 years
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