8-12 years
Optional: adults can stay or take a breather
What your child’s day will look like
In this class I will be teaching Scratch right from Scratch. We will go over each of the functionalities of Scratch at a beginner's level pace. During this week program we will be covering various topics- Topics will be taught through projects covering different aspects every time - - Learning to run Scratch on your computer - Understanding the Scratch interface - Adding, deleting and changing characters - Adding backdrops - Performing simple movements -Understanding the looks and the sounds of the sprites - Understanding animations - Understanding loops - Understanding sensing and operators - Understanding Variables - Understanding broadcasting and clones Scratch runs on browser. Learners must be familiar with screen share. The beauty of Scratch is that it is a wide open platform for creators to express themselves. You can create stories, games, art, animations, and more! The goal of this class is that each learner will end up with unique projects, and the tools needed to continue creating long after class is over! It will be nice if students have their logins when the class starts to save all their work in one account for reference.
Additional instructions
Connect in class 5 minutes before the class starts
Online coding for kids
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