School Skill (2.5-6 years)

Sunday, Feb 16 from 10:30am–12:30pm CST (40 days away)
Weekly on Sun and Sat starting Saturday, May 4 and ending Tuesday, Feb 25
30 mos–6 yrs old
Drop-off: kids only
C$60 plus 5% sales tax
25% sibling discount available

Encourage curiosity and build self-confidence in your preschooler through art, science exploration, play and more. Teachers also read children's books that explore and nurture key social and emotional skills, engage in activities that require cooperation.

-*We require at least 24 Hours Notice for Cancellation or Reschedule.
* We recommend you reserve your class 24 hours ahead.

- Please bring only healthy children to class. We have a liberal make-up
policy so you won't miss out on any of the fun!
- Children need to be either potty trained or wearing diapers.
Please note that we won’t change the diaper for the kids, please make
sure your kids attend the class with a clean diaper.
- Please bring a nut-free healthy snack for your child.

* Face masks recommended for children over 2.
* Sanitize your hands upon arrival.
* Keep your belongs in cubbies.

* Arriving 5-10 mins early for check-in.
* Temperature is taken for the adult and the child.

* Children should be barefoot, adults should wear socks on the play floor.
* Stay within a hugs reach of your child at all times.
* Food and Drink are not allowed on the playfloor.
* For safety reasons and so you and your child can fully enjoy this special time together, siblings should not be brought to class, except during a Sibling Solutions class.