
Tuesday, Jul 9 from 12–12:45pm MST
Weekly on Tue and Thu starting Wednesday, Sep 2 and ending Tuesday, Dec 31
6–14 mos old
Required: an adult must stay

Explore your baby's newfound mobility every week through teacher-led activities on the equipment, play as a group and socialize with others! We boogie down with our babies, get up and dance, give them baby massages, sing them songs, and explore new physical challenges every week through teacher-led activities on the equipment. Explore tummy time from a new perspective or on a new texture, slide down slides on soft lambskins, or take a ride in a gentle swing! Sing songs, learn a routine, and PLAY! Reservation required. Limited to 10 children per class.

Please sanitize your hands and your child's hands before entering the play floor. Open gym and class times are 45 minutes so we can allow for everyone who is excited to return to get in some play time and give our teacher enough time to clean between time slots.

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