Chanyanut S.
B19, Birmingham, Birmingham
From £15
About Chanyanut
27 years old
I graduated with a BSc Science (Mathematics) degree from Mahidol University (Thailand) in 2019. My Mathematics background has enhanced my analytical skills. This would be a great benefit for this role, as demonstrated through my experiences in tutoring students on a 1 to 1 and online during years 3 to 12 with a range of academic ability in Mathematics such as number, algebra, ratio, geometry, probability, and statistics which I undertook in Thailand and the UK, as part of my part-time job. Being patient and a good listener as the core of the job, alongside with adaptation to different learning styles of students to teach them, my students were able to pass and meet their goal with a high score. Moreover, understand what students have been through in their study life is also significant role to attribute.
Comfortable with pets
Purpose and preferred environment