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Marra L.
EH21, Musselburgh West, Musselburgh
From £5 /hr
year exp.
From £5
Hourly rate

About Marra

27 years old
Hello! My name is Marra and I would love to look after and take care of your pet. I have had years of experience taking care of cats, dogs, and hamsters. I grew up in a very pet-friendly family and I am happy to take care of yours while you’re away. My dog Ralphie is a labradoodle and he is currently living in the US with family while I am away at uni and I miss him every day! His brother Frankie lives with my brother in the US and is an older dog and requires a lot care and daily oral medication. This has given me a lot of experience in this area. In addition to this experience, I am a very active person and will always be willing to take your dog on walks and runs if needed. Whatever you need, I am happy to help.
Non-smoker Has own transportation

Experience caring for

Elderly pets
Adult pets
Young pets
Small dogs < 20 lbs
Medium dogs: 20-45 lbs

Services and pricing

Price per session

Feeding £2 / visit
Walking £7 / walk
Overnight sitting £25 / night
Day care £25 / day