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Jessica G.
NP10, Rogerstone, Newport
From £6 /hr
year exp.
From £6
Hourly rate

About Jessica

20 years old
I've had a cat for 10 years, so I've really gotten to know the ins and outs of pet services.Grooming has also been a regular part of our routine, especially since my cat has long fur. I found a professional groomer who did a fantastic job with baths, nail trimming, and fur maintenance. This not only kept my cat clean and comfortable but also helped reduce shedding and hairballs around the house. Pet sitting and boarding services have been lifesavers whenever I traveled. Finding trustworthy pet sitters who could take care of my cat made all the difference. They provided personalised care, and some even sent updates and photos, which gave me peace of mind while I was away. Additionally, for the past five years, I've walked dogs for family and friends. This experience has given me a broader understanding of pet care, helping me develop a strong rapport with animals and providing reliable exercise and companionship for the dogs. Overall, having my cat for a decade and walking dogs for five years has meant relying on a variety of pet services to keep my pets healthy, happy, and well-cared-for.

Experience caring for

Young pets
Adult pets
Small dogs < 20 lbs
Medium dogs: 20-45 lbs

Services and pricing

Price per session

Walking £6 / walk