Math Tutors in Pincourt

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Iman P.
  • From $25 /hr
  • Pincourt
Math and Science Tutor for Elementary and High School Students
| I am a Mechanical Engineering student at Polytechnique Montréal, offering one-on-one tutoring in mathematics and science for elementary and high school students. My academic and practical experiences, including a DEC in Pure and Applied Science and a history of twice winning an award for excellence in mathematics, enable me to provide thorough and understandable explanations in these subjects. I love teaching and I have honed my teaching skills as a leader at Oronos Polytechnique Space Club. I excel at breaking down complex topics and use my fluency in both French and English to communicate concepts clearly, making learning accessible and engaging for all my students.
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  • From $25 /hr
  • Pincourt
Math and Science Tutor for Elementary and High School Students
| I am a Mechanical Engineering student at Polytechnique Montréal, offering one-on-one tutoring in mathematics and science for elementary and high school students. My academic and practical experiences, including a DEC in Pure and Applied Science and a history of twice winning an award for excellence in mathematics, enable me to provide thorough and understandable explanations in these subjects. I love teaching and I have honed my teaching skills as a leader at Oronos Polytechnique Space Club. I excel at breaking down complex topics and use my fluency in both French and English to communicate concepts clearly, making learning accessible and engaging for all my students.
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From $25 per hour \
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Math Tutors in Pincourt

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