Math Tutors in Moncton

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Isabelle A.
  • From $14 /hr
  • Moncton
Young tutor available most days of the week
| I am a young tutor who recently moved to the Greater Moncton Area, looking for jobs between shifts at work. I am available most days of the week with my current work schedule, subject to change. I have experience in having helped out my friends when they were struggling in school. I graduated High School in 2019, and would love to help as needed.
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  • From $14 /hr
  • Moncton
Young tutor available most days of the week
| I am a young tutor who recently moved to the Greater Moncton Area, looking for jobs between shifts at work. I am available most days of the week with my current work schedule, subject to change. I have experience in having helped out my friends when they were struggling in school. I graduated High School in 2019, and would love to help as needed.
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From $14 per hour \
Tricia S.
1 Verification
  • From $18 /hr
  • Moncton
1 Verification
I was a Supply teacher for Kindergarten to Grade 8.
| I love children and I believe in obtaining and maintaining a good rapport with the parents and teachers.
... more
  • From $18 /hr
  • Moncton
I was a Supply teacher for Kindergarten to Grade 8.
| I love children and I believe in obtaining and maintaining a good rapport with the parents and teachers.
... more
From $18 per hour \
Hussein S.
  • From $25 /hr
  • Moncton
Master's Graduate - Parent - Companion - Pet Care
| I am a parent of a gorgeous 13-month-old baby girl. I have a master's degree. I used to tutor high school students and undergraduate students in Chemistry, Math and Sciences. I am an entrepreneur and owner of a business that matches families with trusted home care providers (back in my home country). I just moved to Canada and I am looking for a quick way to pay the bills. I can teach your kid a lot about being confident, creative, resourceful and successful in life. I can babysit your children or provide companionship to your parents; I can also walk your dog! I used to be a trained EMT (emergency medical technician), so I know a few things about first aid.
... more
  • From $25 /hr
  • Moncton
Master's Graduate - Parent - Companion - Pet Care
| I am a parent of a gorgeous 13-month-old baby girl. I have a master's degree. I used to tutor high school students and undergraduate students in Chemistry, Math and Sciences. I am an entrepreneur and owner of a business that matches families with trusted home care providers (back in my home country). I just moved to Canada and I am looking for a quick way to pay the bills. I can teach your kid a lot about being confident, creative, resourceful and successful in life. I can babysit your children or provide companionship to your parents; I can also walk your dog! I used to be a trained EMT (emergency medical technician), so I know a few things about first aid.
... more
From $25 per hour \
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Math Tutors in Moncton

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