French Tutors in Winnipeg

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Suzanne R.
1 Verification
  • From $30 /hr
  • Winnipeg
1 Verification
French tutor - assisting students in all French subjects in Elementary or Middle schools
| I am fluent in English and French and am able to assist students in grammar, spelling, reading, writing in both languages. I can also assist in the review of material for exams. I have taught French Immersion grades 3,4,5 6 over 22 years in Winnipeg. I am comfortable speaking French at home with my son and listen to French radio/tv and read in French for my iwn pleasure. I helped my son with ADD difficulties till grade 9 when he decided he no longer wanted help. At that point we got him his own tutor. It is important to feel comfortable and at ease with the person wanting to help you.
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  • From $30 /hr
  • Winnipeg
French tutor - assisting students in all French subjects in Elementary or Middle schools
| I am fluent in English and French and am able to assist students in grammar, spelling, reading, writing in both languages. I can also assist in the review of material for exams. I have taught French Immersion grades 3,4,5 6 over 22 years in Winnipeg. I am comfortable speaking French at home with my son and listen to French radio/tv and read in French for my iwn pleasure. I helped my son with ADD difficulties till grade 9 when he decided he no longer wanted help. At that point we got him his own tutor. It is important to feel comfortable and at ease with the person wanting to help you.
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From $30 per hour \
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French Tutors in Winnipeg

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