French Tutors in St. John's

Select from 11 French tutors near you.

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Mériem B.
  • From $17 /hr
  • St. John's
I have experience in helping French learners develop their speaking and writing skills.
| My name is Mériem , I’m a native Belgian. I have a bachelor’s degree in Linguistics and Didactics as well as a baccalaureate in foreign languages including French and English.
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  • From $17 /hr
  • St. John's
I have experience in helping French learners develop their speaking and writing skills.
| My name is Mériem , I’m a native Belgian. I have a bachelor’s degree in Linguistics and Didactics as well as a baccalaureate in foreign languages including French and English.
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From $17 per hour \
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French Tutors in St. John's

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