French Tutors in Saint-Joseph-du-Lac

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Roxanne B.
  • From $12 /hr
  • Saint-Joseph-du-Lac
My name is roxanne I am 18 years old I have some experience with my friends and family
| I like teaching and would love to help others to succeed ! I am easy going and very patient. I always try to find new ways to explain if the person doesn’t understand.
... more
  • From $12 /hr
  • Saint-Joseph-du-Lac
My name is roxanne I am 18 years old I have some experience with my friends and family
| I like teaching and would love to help others to succeed ! I am easy going and very patient. I always try to find new ways to explain if the person doesn’t understand.
... more
From $12 per hour \
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French Tutors in Saint-Joseph-du-Lac

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