French Tutors in Coquitlam

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Jennifer C.
  • From $35 /hr
  • Coquitlam
French online tutor for beginner and intermediate learners.
| I offer French online lessons to beginner and intermediate learners. I prepare students for Delf A1 and A2 exams. I also teach French to federal employees. I have a BA Joint Honors degree in English and History. I am bilingual and used to teach English, ESL, and English Literature to high school students.
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  • From $35 /hr
  • Coquitlam
French online tutor for beginner and intermediate learners.
| I offer French online lessons to beginner and intermediate learners. I prepare students for Delf A1 and A2 exams. I also teach French to federal employees. I have a BA Joint Honors degree in English and History. I am bilingual and used to teach English, ESL, and English Literature to high school students.
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From $35 per hour \
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French Tutors in Coquitlam

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