Tutors in Fort Saskatchewan

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Cami M.
Hired 2 times
  • From $10 /hr
  • Fort Saskatchewan
Hired 2 times
Hi, my name is Cami. I am 28 years old and a certified k-12 educator, currently employed with the Government. I am fluent in both English and French. I am the oldest of five children and also have two young nephews. I spent my high school years looking after my siblings while my parents were at work and I undertook my Bachelor of Education because I love helping others learn and am passionate about the youth of today, because they are the future of tomorrow.
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  • From $10 /hr
  • Fort Saskatchewan
Hi, my name is Cami. I am 28 years old and a certified k-12 educator, currently employed with the Government. I am fluent in both English and French. I am the oldest of five children and also have two young nephews. I spent my high school years looking after my siblings while my parents were at work and I undertook my Bachelor of Education because I love helping others learn and am passionate about the youth of today, because they are the future of tomorrow.
... more
Haven't had her babysit yet but she was amazing with my son the first time we met. Looking forward to her babysitting him in the future."
... "more
Reviewed by Melissa G.
From $10 per hour \
Alexa B.
  • From $15 /hr
  • Fort Saskatchewan
Future teacher ready to help you study
| I am in my 5th and final year of university to become a teacher. I am majoring in Biology, minoring in art. I spent last summer tutoring a grade 4 student in math, so I feel comfortable in that subject as well!
... more
  • From $15 /hr
  • Fort Saskatchewan
Future teacher ready to help you study
| I am in my 5th and final year of university to become a teacher. I am majoring in Biology, minoring in art. I spent last summer tutoring a grade 4 student in math, so I feel comfortable in that subject as well!
... more
From $15 per hour \
Kiley W.
1 Verification
  • From $13 /hr
  • Fort Saskatchewan
1 Verification
Friendly, Fun Tutor
| I had honours all through high school, and while I've never worked as a paid tutor, I've helped my friends many times and am often who people go to for help in their classes. Essay writing is my strong suit, but I can definitely help in other areas. My rates are negotiable.
... more
  • From $13 /hr
  • Fort Saskatchewan
Friendly, Fun Tutor
| I had honours all through high school, and while I've never worked as a paid tutor, I've helped my friends many times and am often who people go to for help in their classes. Essay writing is my strong suit, but I can definitely help in other areas. My rates are negotiable.
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From $13 per hour \
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Tutors in Fort Saskatchewan

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