English Tutors in Vanier

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Shannon L.
  • From $17 /hr
  • Vanier
SHANNON , A unique, passionate, caring, dedicated mentor and tutor, for ALL AGES!
| Hello, I am an actor, director, drama coach, writer and a mentor. I studied fine arts and classical theater for five years before I embarked upon an extraordinary award winning career which took me across Canada and throughout the globe. I have shared the screen with such luminaries as Samuel Jackson, Kiersten Dunst, Shirley Maclaine and Peter Ustinov. I have acted on stage, screen, television and performed as a voice artist in animation, radio dramas and documentaries. I adore the English, I respect language more than one can imagine. I mentor and coach and must admit, I have discovered a passion for coaching and teaching I never dreamed could equal or surpass that of acting. I enjoy watching people learn, I enjoy watching them develop the same passion I have for words. If you are at all curious you can Google me, Shannon Lawson Canadian actress, and see that I have had a full career and have much to offer.
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  • From $17 /hr
  • Vanier
SHANNON , A unique, passionate, caring, dedicated mentor and tutor, for ALL AGES!
| Hello, I am an actor, director, drama coach, writer and a mentor. I studied fine arts and classical theater for five years before I embarked upon an extraordinary award winning career which took me across Canada and throughout the globe. I have shared the screen with such luminaries as Samuel Jackson, Kiersten Dunst, Shirley Maclaine and Peter Ustinov. I have acted on stage, screen, television and performed as a voice artist in animation, radio dramas and documentaries. I adore the English, I respect language more than one can imagine. I mentor and coach and must admit, I have discovered a passion for coaching and teaching I never dreamed could equal or surpass that of acting. I enjoy watching people learn, I enjoy watching them develop the same passion I have for words. If you are at all curious you can Google me, Shannon Lawson Canadian actress, and see that I have had a full career and have much to offer.
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From $17 per hour \
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English Tutors in Vanier

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