Special Needs Care in Tiny

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Charmaine L.
Hired once
  • From $30 /hr
  • Tiny
Hired once
Compassionate Care (DSW/PSW)
| I am educated, experienced and work as a DSW and a PSW. I have extensive experience supporting adults with various special needs. I have lived in a LArche community (living with those with intellectual and physical disabilities, while learning how to support them, in a community environment) I have supported individuals with various special needs independently, as well as in a team environment. I have up to date training on the following: -First Aid and CPR -Non violent crises intervention -medical administration training I am a member of the OPSWA (Ontario personal support worker association) and have my own liability insurance. I have a G drivers license and my own transportation. I have a non-judgemental, compassionate approach. I am organized, reliable and confident in my skills and abilities. I have experience supporting individuals in their home, day programs, community.
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  • From $30 /hr
  • Tiny
Compassionate Care (DSW/PSW)
| I am educated, experienced and work as a DSW and a PSW. I have extensive experience supporting adults with various special needs. I have lived in a LArche community (living with those with intellectual and physical disabilities, while learning how to support them, in a community environment) I have supported individuals with various special needs independently, as well as in a team environment. I have up to date training on the following: -First Aid and CPR -Non violent crises intervention -medical administration training I am a member of the OPSWA (Ontario personal support worker association) and have my own liability insurance. I have a G drivers license and my own transportation. I have a non-judgemental, compassionate approach. I am organized, reliable and confident in my skills and abilities. I have experience supporting individuals in their home, day programs, community.
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From $30 per hour \
Gabrielle D.
  • From $16 /hr
  • Tiny
Kind, responsible, childcare worker
| I have many years of experience caring for children of all ages as well as children with cognitive, development delays, as well as children on the autism spectrum. I worked in both daycares as well as home child care (babysitting) and I’m starting Teachers College in the fall in order to become a primary school teacher. I am responsible, kind and patient with children, as well as with home pets..
... more
  • From $16 /hr
  • Tiny
Kind, responsible, childcare worker
| I have many years of experience caring for children of all ages as well as children with cognitive, development delays, as well as children on the autism spectrum. I worked in both daycares as well as home child care (babysitting) and I’m starting Teachers College in the fall in order to become a primary school teacher. I am responsible, kind and patient with children, as well as with home pets..
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From $16 per hour \
Charmaine L.
  • From $18 /hr
  • Tiny
Compassionate support worker
| I have had experience living in a community with adults with special needs in a L’Arche community; where I enhanced my care taking skills, strengthening my compassion, empathy and interest in supporting vulnerable individuals. I have a personal support worker diploma and gained experience working with the elderly community in long term care settings, as well as in their homes. I currently work as a DSW in a community for adults with special needs. I am interested in respite work, specifically with children, young adults.
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  • From $18 /hr
  • Tiny
Compassionate support worker
| I have had experience living in a community with adults with special needs in a L’Arche community; where I enhanced my care taking skills, strengthening my compassion, empathy and interest in supporting vulnerable individuals. I have a personal support worker diploma and gained experience working with the elderly community in long term care settings, as well as in their homes. I currently work as a DSW in a community for adults with special needs. I am interested in respite work, specifically with children, young adults.
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From $18 per hour \
Karen S.
  • From $14 /hr
  • Tiny
I have worked for many years with babies and young children with autism and special needs along with child cancer. I have worked for Collingwood Community Living and Kerrys Place Autism Services and many nursing homes. I'm a loving, kind and generous woman, I have dealt with many different walks of life, never judge anyone! Everyday is a new day... With new beginnings. I have been trained in colostomy bags, Coumadin shots, male catheters, insulin care, and all aspects of daily living.
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  • From $14 /hr
  • Tiny
I have worked for many years with babies and young children with autism and special needs along with child cancer. I have worked for Collingwood Community Living and Kerrys Place Autism Services and many nursing homes. I'm a loving, kind and generous woman, I have dealt with many different walks of life, never judge anyone! Everyday is a new day... With new beginnings. I have been trained in colostomy bags, Coumadin shots, male catheters, insulin care, and all aspects of daily living.
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From $14 per hour \
Kala T.
  • From $25 /hr
  • Tiny
Outgoing, experienced respite provider available to assist with whatever you need!
| I'm a 24 year old respite care provider of 5 years. I have worked in multiple settings with ages 16+. I am most recently employed in a high behaviour respite setting of a young adult with ASD. I graduated from Georgian College's DSW program in 2020 with honours. I am available casually, part-time or potentially full-time. I look forward to chatting with you and learning more!
... more
  • From $25 /hr
  • Tiny
Outgoing, experienced respite provider available to assist with whatever you need!
| I'm a 24 year old respite care provider of 5 years. I have worked in multiple settings with ages 16+. I am most recently employed in a high behaviour respite setting of a young adult with ASD. I graduated from Georgian College's DSW program in 2020 with honours. I am available casually, part-time or potentially full-time. I look forward to chatting with you and learning more!
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From $25 per hour \
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for special needs caregivers in Tiny is between $19 and $25
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Special Needs Care in Tiny

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