Special Needs Care in Tillsonburg

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Rachel A.
  • From $16 /hr
  • Tillsonburg
Early Interventions provider for Autism spectrum disorder
| I am a 29 year old single female with no dependants with a passion for travelling and working as an Au pair. I've worked in the USA an au pair for 2 years therefore I am able to adapt well to knew surroundings and cultures. I have 8 years of experience in Child care, 3 of which are in ASD. I'm patient and have strong emotional skills. I've been able to read a situations and create a comfortable space because I understand the anxiety that comes with being in social situations. I've prepared educationally stimulating activities that promotes eye contact and positive social interactions. I've worked under Professionals in Speech therapy and Occupational therapy. I am currently receiving training as a behavioural technician through Autism Partnership Foundation.
... more
  • From $16 /hr
  • Tillsonburg
Early Interventions provider for Autism spectrum disorder
| I am a 29 year old single female with no dependants with a passion for travelling and working as an Au pair. I've worked in the USA an au pair for 2 years therefore I am able to adapt well to knew surroundings and cultures. I have 8 years of experience in Child care, 3 of which are in ASD. I'm patient and have strong emotional skills. I've been able to read a situations and create a comfortable space because I understand the anxiety that comes with being in social situations. I've prepared educationally stimulating activities that promotes eye contact and positive social interactions. I've worked under Professionals in Speech therapy and Occupational therapy. I am currently receiving training as a behavioural technician through Autism Partnership Foundation.
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From $16 per hour \
Eunice T.
Hired once
  • From $18 /hr
  • Tillsonburg
Hired once
PSW certificate and Nanny
| I am a very loving, nurturing,compassionate person.i worked as a nanny for 2 YEARS and a PSW for an elderly person.i worked in the school 20 years.
... more
  • From $18 /hr
  • Tillsonburg
PSW certificate and Nanny
| I am a very loving, nurturing,compassionate person.i worked as a nanny for 2 YEARS and a PSW for an elderly person.i worked in the school 20 years.
... more
From $18 per hour \
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Special Needs Care in Tillsonburg

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