Special Needs Care in Saanichton

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Matthew L.
1 Verification
  • From $35 /hr
  • Saanichton
1 Verification
We're the best kept secret in Greater Victoria for home caregiving.
| We aspire to represent what home caregiving should be. It's simple, we hire great people who are also skilled caregivers and treat them well. Cared for caregivers provide the best support to others. We are a Living Wage employer and an open advocate to any who call. If you want an honest response, call us. No pressure or sales tactics. We will always make sure you are using the available public services if they can meet your needs. The range of prices in Greater Victoria for home care as of early 2020 is $35-40. We are $36. Always ask about these policies: Cancellation with no charge - Like most providers our policy is 24h notice, no charge. A few providers require up to a week. Service Cancellation Minimum - Most do not have a minimum time period to cancel service but a few providers will require up to a week to cancel all service. Minimum visit length - Most providers have 2-3 hour minimums. We will do 1h services in appropriate circumstances. Minimum hours per week - A few providers require a number of hours per week to be a client. Typically for those that do this number is 8-10 hours per week.
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  • From $35 /hr
  • Saanichton
We're the best kept secret in Greater Victoria for home caregiving.
| We aspire to represent what home caregiving should be. It's simple, we hire great people who are also skilled caregivers and treat them well. Cared for caregivers provide the best support to others. We are a Living Wage employer and an open advocate to any who call. If you want an honest response, call us. No pressure or sales tactics. We will always make sure you are using the available public services if they can meet your needs. The range of prices in Greater Victoria for home care as of early 2020 is $35-40. We are $36. Always ask about these policies: Cancellation with no charge - Like most providers our policy is 24h notice, no charge. A few providers require up to a week. Service Cancellation Minimum - Most do not have a minimum time period to cancel service but a few providers will require up to a week to cancel all service. Minimum visit length - Most providers have 2-3 hour minimums. We will do 1h services in appropriate circumstances. Minimum hours per week - A few providers require a number of hours per week to be a client. Typically for those that do this number is 8-10 hours per week.
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From $35 per hour \
Edith E.
  • From $25 /hr
  • Saanichton
I would love to help your family during this hard time!
| caring, empathetic, responsible I am humorous yet calm and very observant to my job and my clients making sure they are always advocated for, happy, healthy and safe
... more
  • From $25 /hr
  • Saanichton
I would love to help your family during this hard time!
| caring, empathetic, responsible I am humorous yet calm and very observant to my job and my clients making sure they are always advocated for, happy, healthy and safe
... more
From $25 per hour \
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Special Needs Care in Saanichton

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