Special Needs Care in Petawawa

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Emma F.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Petawawa
Special needs carer. Experienced Educator
| Passionate and dedicated employee serving the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board as a Case Manager for the Autism Spectrum Disorders and Developmental Disabilities Team since 2012. I work to support students with exceptional learning needs by consulting with their educators and facilitating targeted case conferences to develop appropriate plans of support. As a confident employee, I am responsible for receiving and effectively organizing incoming referrals. Referrals require effective observation and note-taking skills, development of goal-oriented programming, follow up support with modelling and coaching, revisiting goals, and discharge or transition services. I believe the culmination of my experiences have allowed me to develop and grow into a highly professional, empathetic and passionate team member who is motivated to make a difference in the lives of individuals at both the macro and micro levels.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Petawawa
Special needs carer. Experienced Educator
| Passionate and dedicated employee serving the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board as a Case Manager for the Autism Spectrum Disorders and Developmental Disabilities Team since 2012. I work to support students with exceptional learning needs by consulting with their educators and facilitating targeted case conferences to develop appropriate plans of support. As a confident employee, I am responsible for receiving and effectively organizing incoming referrals. Referrals require effective observation and note-taking skills, development of goal-oriented programming, follow up support with modelling and coaching, revisiting goals, and discharge or transition services. I believe the culmination of my experiences have allowed me to develop and grow into a highly professional, empathetic and passionate team member who is motivated to make a difference in the lives of individuals at both the macro and micro levels.
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From $20 per hour \
Leta H.
1 Verification
  • From $17 /hr
  • Petawawa
1 Verification
Kind, honest and hard working
| I have have over a decade of experience caring and helping those around me. I grew up very old country values Ukrainian and was raised to be respectful, clean and welcoming. I am a great cook, was a chef and kitchen manager for over 4 years. I took care of my grandmother for many years before she passed at home with me. She had osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, high blood pressure, stroke and dementia. She had mobility issues, communication barriers as she did not speak English as first language and needed assistance with all personal tasks. I also cared for my father who had several heart attacks, sleep apnea, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, hear failure, stroke and severe depression and panic disorder. I cared for him until he passed peacefully in my home under my cared granted and guided by the local Hospital. I also have raised a child for the 15 years and she has developmental delays and mental health struggles.
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  • From $17 /hr
  • Petawawa
Kind, honest and hard working
| I have have over a decade of experience caring and helping those around me. I grew up very old country values Ukrainian and was raised to be respectful, clean and welcoming. I am a great cook, was a chef and kitchen manager for over 4 years. I took care of my grandmother for many years before she passed at home with me. She had osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, high blood pressure, stroke and dementia. She had mobility issues, communication barriers as she did not speak English as first language and needed assistance with all personal tasks. I also cared for my father who had several heart attacks, sleep apnea, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, hear failure, stroke and severe depression and panic disorder. I cared for him until he passed peacefully in my home under my cared granted and guided by the local Hospital. I also have raised a child for the 15 years and she has developmental delays and mental health struggles.
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From $17 per hour \
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Special Needs Care in Petawawa

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