Special Needs Care in Penticton

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Lori C.
1 Verification Hired once
  • From $25 /hr
  • Penticton
1 Verification Hired once
Superb Caregiver
| My name is Lori and I live in Penticton BC. I have been in the field for over 30 years. I take great pride in helping others. I am always open to learning new things. I enjoy an array of interests, have been a foster parent to special needs children and youth in the past, caring for seniors in their own homes, volunteering at the spca, caring for my own pets and being a family person. I have a current first aid certificate, Mandt training, Food Safe certificate, Introductory to Community Mental Health Certificate, Circle of Security Parenting Certificate, and I also drive. I have business insurance on my car to transport clients. Look no further. My name is Lori.
... more
  • From $25 /hr
  • Penticton
Superb Caregiver
| My name is Lori and I live in Penticton BC. I have been in the field for over 30 years. I take great pride in helping others. I am always open to learning new things. I enjoy an array of interests, have been a foster parent to special needs children and youth in the past, caring for seniors in their own homes, volunteering at the spca, caring for my own pets and being a family person. I have a current first aid certificate, Mandt training, Food Safe certificate, Introductory to Community Mental Health Certificate, Circle of Security Parenting Certificate, and I also drive. I have business insurance on my car to transport clients. Look no further. My name is Lori.
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From $25 per hour \
Nina R.
  • From $18 /hr
  • Penticton
Young, creative caregiver looking for more experience! Minivan included.
| Hi! I'm Nina, I am fairly new to caregiving but I am excited to help and learn! I have experience volunteering with a dance studio that worked with individuals with varying abilities, and I was the personal helper for a 9-year old cancer survivor with mobility and cognition delays, as well as balance issues. I dance, paint, and play music, so I love creative expression and joyful movement. I would love to incorporate that with my clients when possible :-) I also have a background in teaching and nonprofit work and have been trained in the Teaching Family Model to help encourage appropriate behaviour. I have a minivan and am hoping to move to Vancouver very soon, my dates are flexible. Hope to connect soon!
... more
  • From $18 /hr
  • Penticton
Young, creative caregiver looking for more experience! Minivan included.
| Hi! I'm Nina, I am fairly new to caregiving but I am excited to help and learn! I have experience volunteering with a dance studio that worked with individuals with varying abilities, and I was the personal helper for a 9-year old cancer survivor with mobility and cognition delays, as well as balance issues. I dance, paint, and play music, so I love creative expression and joyful movement. I would love to incorporate that with my clients when possible :-) I also have a background in teaching and nonprofit work and have been trained in the Teaching Family Model to help encourage appropriate behaviour. I have a minivan and am hoping to move to Vancouver very soon, my dates are flexible. Hope to connect soon!
... more
From $18 per hour \
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Special Needs Care in Penticton

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