Special Needs Care in Parksville

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Ohana Care
1 Verification
  • From $45 /hr
  • Parksville
1 Verification
In home care company with experienced special needs care staff
| Our Licensed Practical Nurses provide care based on physicians orders and parental guidance for the following procedures as either in-home caregivers and/or on a bus transporting children to school: Tracheotomy care Medication administration/assistance Seizure management G tube feeding Oxygen therapy Monitor vital signs and glucose levels Overnight respite care for parents Our LPN's are trained and orientated to meet the individual needs of each child. Our caregivers follow a plan created with the direct input of the parents of the child. We offer: After school care: Care delivered in the home after school. Tasks include care, play time, light housekeeping, meal preparation, babysitting other siblings Nurses on the bus: Licensed Practical Nurses accompany your child from your door to the school, assisting with medical equipment/devices and ensuring safe transportation Respite Care: If you are going away or need some time for yourself, our caregivers will come to your home to ensure continuity of care and comfort for your child Overnight Care: When your child is ill and requires overnight care or monitoring vitals and symptoms so you can get a restful night of sleep
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  • From $45 /hr
  • Parksville
In home care company with experienced special needs care staff
| Our Licensed Practical Nurses provide care based on physicians orders and parental guidance for the following procedures as either in-home caregivers and/or on a bus transporting children to school: Tracheotomy care Medication administration/assistance Seizure management G tube feeding Oxygen therapy Monitor vital signs and glucose levels Overnight respite care for parents Our LPN's are trained and orientated to meet the individual needs of each child. Our caregivers follow a plan created with the direct input of the parents of the child. We offer: After school care: Care delivered in the home after school. Tasks include care, play time, light housekeeping, meal preparation, babysitting other siblings Nurses on the bus: Licensed Practical Nurses accompany your child from your door to the school, assisting with medical equipment/devices and ensuring safe transportation Respite Care: If you are going away or need some time for yourself, our caregivers will come to your home to ensure continuity of care and comfort for your child Overnight Care: When your child is ill and requires overnight care or monitoring vitals and symptoms so you can get a restful night of sleep
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From $45 per hour \
Jennifer H.
  • From $25 /hr
  • Parksville
Care Aide with 10+ years experience and special needs experiencing offering care
| I have been working in mental health care for 10 years as a health care assistant and will be immunized with phizer by Feb 21, 2021 and now hope to work from home. I would be happy to have my kids get to know a new friend. I trained in Ayruvedic medicine for 4 years and I am an Ayurvedic practitioner which means I love yoga and natural ways for mind body health. I also have a degree in applied chemistry and biotechnology so I do understand and enforce all precautions for COVID. I hope to be supportive to your child in the best way possible. Whether it is best I sing or play music with a kid, play on a beach and let them have fun with my kids, or help with structured behavior modification which can be planned on an individual basis. I have re-certified in first aid every year or two for the past 10 years. I am comfortable with medically related issues as most on the list I have helped to support in the past during emergency or routine therapy. ( My son knows a bit of sign language, I currently know very little, but I have listed this as it is my sons passion, and I would be willing to learn. )
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  • From $25 /hr
  • Parksville
Care Aide with 10+ years experience and special needs experiencing offering care
| I have been working in mental health care for 10 years as a health care assistant and will be immunized with phizer by Feb 21, 2021 and now hope to work from home. I would be happy to have my kids get to know a new friend. I trained in Ayruvedic medicine for 4 years and I am an Ayurvedic practitioner which means I love yoga and natural ways for mind body health. I also have a degree in applied chemistry and biotechnology so I do understand and enforce all precautions for COVID. I hope to be supportive to your child in the best way possible. Whether it is best I sing or play music with a kid, play on a beach and let them have fun with my kids, or help with structured behavior modification which can be planned on an individual basis. I have re-certified in first aid every year or two for the past 10 years. I am comfortable with medically related issues as most on the list I have helped to support in the past during emergency or routine therapy. ( My son knows a bit of sign language, I currently know very little, but I have listed this as it is my sons passion, and I would be willing to learn. )
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From $25 per hour \
Alysha K.
  • From $23 /hr
  • Parksville
Hello! I have been working as a teacher for the past 8 years. I am transitioning into personal care.
| In my past experience working as a teacher I frequently worked with special needs students and in BASES classrooms. My calm nature is well-suited to supporting students with complex needs.
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  • From $23 /hr
  • Parksville
Hello! I have been working as a teacher for the past 8 years. I am transitioning into personal care.
| In my past experience working as a teacher I frequently worked with special needs students and in BASES classrooms. My calm nature is well-suited to supporting students with complex needs.
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From $23 per hour \
Tanya B.
1 Verification
  • From $30 /hr
  • Parksville
1 Verification
I'm kind careing loving , and very reliable
| I'm 40 years old , I have raised my children , homeschooled both to grade 11 , I have a younger brother who is now 30 who was born with Down syndrome ,, I have worked with handicap children teens and adults , I have experience in all areas , I'm very reliable , trustworthy , and honest ,
... more
  • From $30 /hr
  • Parksville
I'm kind careing loving , and very reliable
| I'm 40 years old , I have raised my children , homeschooled both to grade 11 , I have a younger brother who is now 30 who was born with Down syndrome ,, I have worked with handicap children teens and adults , I have experience in all areas , I'm very reliable , trustworthy , and honest ,
... more
From $30 per hour \
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Special Needs Care in Parksville

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