Special Needs Care in Moose Jaw

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ShayLynn W.
1 Verification
  • From $14 /hr
  • Moose Jaw
1 Verification
Shay'Care and support
| I grew up with delays and other special needs. Growing up I helped my brother with his homework and schooling because of his dyslexia. I worked with autism all over the spectrum. I have handled many other challenging ones with love and care. I see the child not their disability.
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  • From $14 /hr
  • Moose Jaw
Shay'Care and support
| I grew up with delays and other special needs. Growing up I helped my brother with his homework and schooling because of his dyslexia. I worked with autism all over the spectrum. I have handled many other challenging ones with love and care. I see the child not their disability.
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From $14 per hour \
Montana L.
  • From $15 /hr
  • Moose Jaw
I am a 23 yo second year occupational therapy student with plenty of experience!
| I am 23 years old and originally from Saskatchewan but live in Edmonton during the school year. I completed my undergraduate in psychology, and am now in my final year of working on my masters in Occupational Therapy. I have a strong passion and plenty of experience working with children with disabilities through previous work, family and educational experiences. I have worked as a support worker for multiple families, of children and adults of different ages back in my hometown in Saskatchewan. I also worked for different developmental camps for children with autism and global development delays. In addition to this, I have worked at day cares and provided home care services through postnatal home care here in Edmonton! I’m looking to find a great family to help out and build rapport with while I finish my schooling here in Edmonton! Be sure to let me know if you have any questions :)
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  • From $15 /hr
  • Moose Jaw
I am a 23 yo second year occupational therapy student with plenty of experience!
| I am 23 years old and originally from Saskatchewan but live in Edmonton during the school year. I completed my undergraduate in psychology, and am now in my final year of working on my masters in Occupational Therapy. I have a strong passion and plenty of experience working with children with disabilities through previous work, family and educational experiences. I have worked as a support worker for multiple families, of children and adults of different ages back in my hometown in Saskatchewan. I also worked for different developmental camps for children with autism and global development delays. In addition to this, I have worked at day cares and provided home care services through postnatal home care here in Edmonton! I’m looking to find a great family to help out and build rapport with while I finish my schooling here in Edmonton! Be sure to let me know if you have any questions :)
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From $15 per hour \
  • From $22 /hr
  • Moose Jaw
I have worked as psycho social counsellor for the last 11 years and 4 years as old age care giver
| . I am applying to the position through my skill and work experience, I have exceptional understanding of client care especially with children and old age, Provide care to a person with complex need and behavior issues , Ability to take initiative and problem solving , excellent in Companionship, ability to communicate with students, staffs and families effectively assist clients with personal care such as bathing, oral hygiene, changing clothes, meal preparation and feeding and social activities
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  • From $22 /hr
  • Moose Jaw
I have worked as psycho social counsellor for the last 11 years and 4 years as old age care giver
| . I am applying to the position through my skill and work experience, I have exceptional understanding of client care especially with children and old age, Provide care to a person with complex need and behavior issues , Ability to take initiative and problem solving , excellent in Companionship, ability to communicate with students, staffs and families effectively assist clients with personal care such as bathing, oral hygiene, changing clothes, meal preparation and feeding and social activities
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From $22 per hour \
ShayLynn W.
  • From $12 /hr
  • Moose Jaw
Every Child deserves love and that what I give to your child
| My name is ShayLynn and I worked at a daycare for the past four years. I have my first aid and cpr. I worked with autism to CDH fighters. I am a quick learner and willing to work.
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  • From $12 /hr
  • Moose Jaw
Every Child deserves love and that what I give to your child
| My name is ShayLynn and I worked at a daycare for the past four years. I have my first aid and cpr. I worked with autism to CDH fighters. I am a quick learner and willing to work.
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From $12 per hour \
Kat R.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Moose Jaw
Care giver for hire
| Hi I have work with special needs for 9 yrs. I have my cpr first aid tlr and part along with med training, and various medical procedures
... more
  • From $20 /hr
  • Moose Jaw
Care giver for hire
| Hi I have work with special needs for 9 yrs. I have my cpr first aid tlr and part along with med training, and various medical procedures
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From $20 per hour \
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for special needs caregivers in Moose Jaw is between $17 and $21
Christine B.
  • From $14 /hr
  • Moose Jaw
5 years of experience in child care
| Hi!!!! I'm Christine! I'm looking for a full-time or a part time position as your babysitter. I'm from Woodlily Drive. I have always loved children very much. As a baby sitter, I engage with the little ones; to care, to guide, to instruct, to keep them safe, and to help them with whatever it is they need to glow brighter. I am also quite capable with housecleaning and chores, which include helping and guiding children on how to clean their rooms, play areas, and I can most definitely handle laundry. I could always say I'm caring, loving, committed, responsible and diligent, but I would very much like you to experience this for yourselves.
... more
  • From $14 /hr
  • Moose Jaw
5 years of experience in child care
| Hi!!!! I'm Christine! I'm looking for a full-time or a part time position as your babysitter. I'm from Woodlily Drive. I have always loved children very much. As a baby sitter, I engage with the little ones; to care, to guide, to instruct, to keep them safe, and to help them with whatever it is they need to glow brighter. I am also quite capable with housecleaning and chores, which include helping and guiding children on how to clean their rooms, play areas, and I can most definitely handle laundry. I could always say I'm caring, loving, committed, responsible and diligent, but I would very much like you to experience this for yourselves.
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From $14 per hour \
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Special Needs Care in Moose Jaw

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