Special Needs Care in Brownsburg-Chatham

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Melissa K.
  • From $25 /hr
  • Brownsburg-Chatham
Educated caregiver with extensive experience
| I have a Community and School Support Worker certificate and a Bachelor of Science Degree in General Biology. I have experience as a tutor and over a decade of experience working in a group home setting with adults with disabilities.
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  • From $25 /hr
  • Brownsburg-Chatham
Educated caregiver with extensive experience
| I have a Community and School Support Worker certificate and a Bachelor of Science Degree in General Biology. I have experience as a tutor and over a decade of experience working in a group home setting with adults with disabilities.
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From $25 per hour \
Taylor O.
1 Verification
  • From $24 /hr
  • Brownsburg-Chatham
1 Verification
Experienced Caregiver for Developmental Disabilities: Available for New Opportunities!
| I am a dedicated, compassionate professional with a genuine passion for creating a positive impact in the lives of those in need. About Me: With ten years of experience as an Early Childhood Educator, I have worked closely with children of all ages; from infants, preschool, and beyond. For the last two-and-a-half years, I have specialized as a Direct Support Professional in a community living residence, working with adults with developmental disabilities. During this time, I worked with people coping with different challenges, such as behavioural challenges, cognitive difficulties, physical limitations, and/or complex developmental disabilities. My experience paired with my caring approach helps me to connect with individuals and their families. I am always committed to providing the support and resources they need for genuine and helpful care. Prior to the COVID pandemic, I also worked as an Autism support worker with a client one-to-one for approximately two years. To ensure the safety and well-being of every person in my care, I am trained in CPR and first aid, and have also obtained Non-violent Crisis Prevention & Intervention Training credentials.
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  • From $24 /hr
  • Brownsburg-Chatham
Experienced Caregiver for Developmental Disabilities: Available for New Opportunities!
| I am a dedicated, compassionate professional with a genuine passion for creating a positive impact in the lives of those in need. About Me: With ten years of experience as an Early Childhood Educator, I have worked closely with children of all ages; from infants, preschool, and beyond. For the last two-and-a-half years, I have specialized as a Direct Support Professional in a community living residence, working with adults with developmental disabilities. During this time, I worked with people coping with different challenges, such as behavioural challenges, cognitive difficulties, physical limitations, and/or complex developmental disabilities. My experience paired with my caring approach helps me to connect with individuals and their families. I am always committed to providing the support and resources they need for genuine and helpful care. Prior to the COVID pandemic, I also worked as an Autism support worker with a client one-to-one for approximately two years. To ensure the safety and well-being of every person in my care, I am trained in CPR and first aid, and have also obtained Non-violent Crisis Prevention & Intervention Training credentials.
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From $24 per hour \
Taylor H.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Brownsburg-Chatham
I am very committed and loyal to the people I support.
| I have been a Direct Support Professional for the last two and a half years. Skills that I have gained working in this field include (but are not limited to) facilitating and supporting Person Centered Planning, experience with individuals with highly aggressive behaviours and/or complex needs, as well as those with dual-diagnosis or global developmental delays. Additionally, I am experienced in working with clients with cerebral palsy, autism spectrum disorder, bipolar disorder, psychosis, and Down syndrome. As a Direct Support Professional at Parents For Community Living, I have the skills and experience needed to ensure the overall success of the people supported, and I value all abilities. I genuinely enjoy this line of work and am inspired by the people I support daily. I strive to help the people supported to reach their goals, to advocate for their needs, to be their companion, and to ensure the supported person’s physical, emotional, and social well-being is being taken care of.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Brownsburg-Chatham
I am very committed and loyal to the people I support.
| I have been a Direct Support Professional for the last two and a half years. Skills that I have gained working in this field include (but are not limited to) facilitating and supporting Person Centered Planning, experience with individuals with highly aggressive behaviours and/or complex needs, as well as those with dual-diagnosis or global developmental delays. Additionally, I am experienced in working with clients with cerebral palsy, autism spectrum disorder, bipolar disorder, psychosis, and Down syndrome. As a Direct Support Professional at Parents For Community Living, I have the skills and experience needed to ensure the overall success of the people supported, and I value all abilities. I genuinely enjoy this line of work and am inspired by the people I support daily. I strive to help the people supported to reach their goals, to advocate for their needs, to be their companion, and to ensure the supported person’s physical, emotional, and social well-being is being taken care of.
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From $20 per hour \
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Special Needs Care in Brownsburg-Chatham

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