Special Needs Care in Blenheim

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Kary P.
1 Verification
  • From $23 /hr
  • Blenheim
1 Verification
Passport Supports/Employment Coach/Personal Support for individuals with disabilities
| Hello! My name is Kary and I’m an Employment Coach with Community Living. I have a background in criminology and have taken courses such as developmental psychology and abnormal psychology. I will meet you where you are at in terms of your abilities and provide support with the goal of independence and autonomy in whatever way possible! I specialize in pre-employment readiness, support for community involvement and socializing, goal setting and implementation, budgeting, planning and organizing, developing healthy habits and routines, etc! I am a very kind and compassionate individual. Please feel free to contact me if you’d like to get to know me further! First aid/CPR certification G driver Can provide police check and references
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  • From $23 /hr
  • Blenheim
Passport Supports/Employment Coach/Personal Support for individuals with disabilities
| Hello! My name is Kary and I’m an Employment Coach with Community Living. I have a background in criminology and have taken courses such as developmental psychology and abnormal psychology. I will meet you where you are at in terms of your abilities and provide support with the goal of independence and autonomy in whatever way possible! I specialize in pre-employment readiness, support for community involvement and socializing, goal setting and implementation, budgeting, planning and organizing, developing healthy habits and routines, etc! I am a very kind and compassionate individual. Please feel free to contact me if you’d like to get to know me further! First aid/CPR certification G driver Can provide police check and references
... more
From $23 per hour \
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Special Needs Care in Blenheim

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