Special Needs Care in Amherstburg

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Nicole R.
1 Verification
  • From $25 /hr
  • Amherstburg
1 Verification
Community services worker
| I have been passionate about what I do for almost 10 years and love every minute of it! I work with children, adults and elderly. I work people with intellectual/physical disabilities and or mental health disorders. I went back to school to work in the social services department but accidentally fell into working with children with disabilities at family respite services and decided that this is where I was suppose to be. I enjoy every aspect of working with these people that I have become so close with. Please leave you contact information in your message as I am not an active paying member. **I live in Kingsville and would prefer 20 min from there** I have been vaccinated and NOT currently working in LTC.
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  • From $25 /hr
  • Amherstburg
Community services worker
| I have been passionate about what I do for almost 10 years and love every minute of it! I work with children, adults and elderly. I work people with intellectual/physical disabilities and or mental health disorders. I went back to school to work in the social services department but accidentally fell into working with children with disabilities at family respite services and decided that this is where I was suppose to be. I enjoy every aspect of working with these people that I have become so close with. Please leave you contact information in your message as I am not an active paying member. **I live in Kingsville and would prefer 20 min from there** I have been vaccinated and NOT currently working in LTC.
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From $25 per hour \
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Special Needs Care in Amherstburg

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