Senior Care in Windham Centre

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Charlene B.
  • From $25 /hr
  • Windham Centre
PSW / companion services offered
| Attention Seniors: Retired healthcare professional with 38 years experience offering private PSW / caregiver support services in your own home ! I am here to help ! I am fully vaccinated , VSC , kind, caring , trustworthy and reliable . Covering Haldimand / Norfolk and Brant areas
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  • From $25 /hr
  • Windham Centre
PSW / companion services offered
| Attention Seniors: Retired healthcare professional with 38 years experience offering private PSW / caregiver support services in your own home ! I am here to help ! I am fully vaccinated , VSC , kind, caring , trustworthy and reliable . Covering Haldimand / Norfolk and Brant areas
... more
From $25 per hour \
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Senior Care in Windham Centre

When do you need senior care?