Senior Care in Weyburn

Choose from 11 senior caregivers in your area.
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Inna P.
  • From $14 /hr
  • Weyburn
Inna Senior care
| I have 8 years experience with working at nursing home as care assistant. Also I have a CCA certificate
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  • From $14 /hr
  • Weyburn
Inna Senior care
| I have 8 years experience with working at nursing home as care assistant. Also I have a CCA certificate
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From $14 per hour \
Daniel A.
  • From $14 /hr
  • Weyburn
Searching for caregiver job in weyburn
| i have years of experience providing housekeeping, assisting with bathing, dressing, grooming, and other personal care needs, providing companionship and engaging in recreational activities, planning meals and shopping for groceries and helping with physical exercises and safely moving to different locations. I worked with people, including elderly people and children with special needs. During this time, I honed my abilities in personal hygiene assistance, companionship, and other areas. I am skilled at fostering a kind and cleaning skills, time management, sanitization and home safety while making sure that each person's unique needs and preferences are satisfied with dignity and with all the necessary certificate
... more
  • From $14 /hr
  • Weyburn
Searching for caregiver job in weyburn
| i have years of experience providing housekeeping, assisting with bathing, dressing, grooming, and other personal care needs, providing companionship and engaging in recreational activities, planning meals and shopping for groceries and helping with physical exercises and safely moving to different locations. I worked with people, including elderly people and children with special needs. During this time, I honed my abilities in personal hygiene assistance, companionship, and other areas. I am skilled at fostering a kind and cleaning skills, time management, sanitization and home safety while making sure that each person's unique needs and preferences are satisfied with dignity and with all the necessary certificate
... more
From $14 per hour \
Ermina P.
1 Verification
  • From $14 /hr
  • Weyburn
1 Verification
I am Ermina, 63 years old, a Filipina residing in 118, 1st Ave. NE
| I have finished 6 months caregiver course and had experience caring for my elderly ######...#### giving meals, changing clothes, sweeping and mopping the room etc .
... more
  • From $14 /hr
  • Weyburn
I am Ermina, 63 years old, a Filipina residing in 118, 1st Ave. NE
| I have finished 6 months caregiver course and had experience caring for my elderly ######...#### giving meals, changing clothes, sweeping and mopping the room etc .
... more
From $14 per hour \
Teresita D.
  • From $14 /hr
  • Weyburn
I have 13 yrs experience to work as personal care
| I am hard working and wiliing to help seniors what they need. I had 12 yrs experience to work as a personal care in a long time care home.
... more
  • From $14 /hr
  • Weyburn
I have 13 yrs experience to work as personal care
| I am hard working and wiliing to help seniors what they need. I had 12 yrs experience to work as a personal care in a long time care home.
... more
From $14 per hour \
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Senior Care in Weyburn

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