Senior Care in Victoria Harbour

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Janice J.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Victoria Harbour
Charge nurse on a locked dementia unit and oversaw the entire building(128 beds)
| I live in Tiny township. Would like to continue part time to work with geriatric patients.I feel I have a lot to offer and look forward to hearing from you.
... more
  • From $20 /hr
  • Victoria Harbour
Charge nurse on a locked dementia unit and oversaw the entire building(128 beds)
| I live in Tiny township. Would like to continue part time to work with geriatric patients.I feel I have a lot to offer and look forward to hearing from you.
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From $20 per hour \
Julie Ann D.
1 Verification
  • From $18 /hr
  • Victoria Harbour
1 Verification
Compassion in Action: The Heart of Senior Caregiving
| I have experience working as a housekeeper and care giver for a senior couple in Victoria Harbour. Some of my duties encompasses a wide range of tasks such as cleaning, laundry, making minor repairs, and ensuring the home is organized and clutter-free. Activity planning, keeping them engaged and stimulated, both mentally and physically, light exercise, recipe sharing (this is one of their favorite things to talk about) or social outings. What I have learned from my caregiving role is how much I love giving back, the satisfaction of knowing that their loved one is getting excellent care, personal growth and increased meaning and purpose in both our lives. I have worked many years in the corporate community until recently. I know that senior caregiving is something I’m passionate about. Empathetic support and companionship can provide seniors with a sense of comfort, security, and belonging, boosting their overall emotional well-being and quality of life.
... more
  • From $18 /hr
  • Victoria Harbour
Compassion in Action: The Heart of Senior Caregiving
| I have experience working as a housekeeper and care giver for a senior couple in Victoria Harbour. Some of my duties encompasses a wide range of tasks such as cleaning, laundry, making minor repairs, and ensuring the home is organized and clutter-free. Activity planning, keeping them engaged and stimulated, both mentally and physically, light exercise, recipe sharing (this is one of their favorite things to talk about) or social outings. What I have learned from my caregiving role is how much I love giving back, the satisfaction of knowing that their loved one is getting excellent care, personal growth and increased meaning and purpose in both our lives. I have worked many years in the corporate community until recently. I know that senior caregiving is something I’m passionate about. Empathetic support and companionship can provide seniors with a sense of comfort, security, and belonging, boosting their overall emotional well-being and quality of life.
... more
From $18 per hour \
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Senior Care in Victoria Harbour

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